The Fed

Friday, March 4, 2011

March 3 Class Critique

Regarding the in-class critiques on March 3rd, The Fed team feels collectively that we could have presented better than we did. In fact, our presentation was unprofessional and gave the perception that we are disorganized and disconnected. The two different storyboards presented might as well have been for different projects because one would never assume that they were for one project. We did not have "the look" for our animation ready nor icons to show the class. Extra time was needed to get the actual storyboard .mov file ready to show the class.  I was personally appalled  by our showing. As project manager, it falls on me for the miscommunications during the previous week, the lack of product and the presentation that fell apart. This was not our intent for this important day.

Today, we talked over our crit and regrouped. I will be posting our updated schedule shortly. We know that we have much work before us. Our expectations are as high as they were when we started this project. We are dedicated to providing a polished and solid piece for our client on behalf of ourselves and the University.